Installing a Glass Shower Door

Installing a Glass Shower Door

Installing a Glass Shower Door

Of the many ways you can update your bathroom with a quick project, few have a greater impact than installing a glass shower door. Whether your old shower enclosure is a curtain or outdated glass, today’s glass shower enclosures can add a stunning feature and a modern look to your bathroom. For those homeowners who want to do this residential glass project for themselves, read on to learn some important tips for installing a glass shower door correctly. 

To begin, it is necessary to decide which style of glass shower enclosure works best for your needs: framed or frameless. Both styles can come in various dimensions, even with custom shapes and angles, however, frameless doors are generally made of thicker glass. Frameless doors also give the appearance of a single, smooth surface of glass when they are closed. Framed shower enclosures, on the other hand, are less heavy, can handle more stress and use, and are easier to install. Depending on the style, the installation of a glass shower door can take between two and four hours. 

Once the style of the glass door is determined, it is time to assemble the parts and install the enclosure. Before getting started though, be sure that when the glass door is opened it will not hit any fixtures or objects that could damage the glass. If there are obstructions, be sure to remove them and take the proper precautions. The next steps for installation generally look like this: 

1. Install the base track: Be sure the base track is cut to fit the space and is laid flush and level to the floor. 

2. Install the hinges: First mark on your walls where your hinges will be placed, then use a tool that is designed to cut through the tile to drill the holes for the wall anchors on which the hinges are placed. 

3. Install the glass: Hang the glass door and the glass jamb on the opposite side so they are level.

4. Install the remaining hardware: Place the shower header atop the enclosure and take an electric screwdriver to the various screws to ensure the frame is held tight. Finally, waterproof the whole enclosure by installing the drip rail beneath the door and using silicone caulk inside and outside the enclosure at the base track and jambs. 

The accurate sizing of the various components of the enclosure is essential so that it precisely fits the dimensions of the shower space and creates a secure seal, preventing leakage and water damage. For those homeowners who don’t have the equipment or skill set to complete this type of project, professionals who provide residential glass windows replacement and installation such as Dan’s Glass can also help with this type of residential glass. Call Dan’s Glass today to learn how they can help you install your new glass shower door. 

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